☎ +7 916 985-16-54
UNICLINICA пн-пт 8:00-20:00 мск, сб-вс 8:00-17:00 мск
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☎ +7 916 985-16-54
UNICLINICA пн-пт 8:00-20:00 мск, сб-вс 8:00-17:00 мск


Hello I`m from Uzbekistan . Thy patient is 50 years old . He has been achin with the illness of kidney stone for sixs years . The kidney stone is on the left kidney сentre . The size of stone is from 2 sm to 1,5 sm . He had operated the mining of kidney stone in Urgench urology сentre . It was not useful . The stone was not mined . There is estane in his kidney yet . What do you recommend , in order too treat . Please , write soon.

23 февраля 2011 10:05
Просмотров: 112