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UNICLINICA пн-пт 8:00-20:00 мск, сб-вс 8:00-17:00 мск

Рак предстательной железы

moemu muzhu sdelali biopsiju, vot takije rezultaty
(фактическая часть)

Cancer case summary:
Tumour type - Adenocarcinoma, conventional type
Gleason score (1o, 2o) - 6 (3,3)
Tertiary pattern - N/A
% patterns 4, 5 - 0%
Positive sites - 10/10
Positive cores - 10/10
Overall % tissue involved - 20-25% (общий % поражения ткани железы)
Perineural invasion - not identified
Periprostatic fat invasion - not identified

1. Right base peripheral
Gleason score 6/10 (primary 3, secondary 3). 1 core involved. About 50% tissue involvement.

2. Right mid peripheral
Microfocus, < 5% tissue involvement.

3. Right apex peripheral
Gleason score 6/10 (primary 3, secondary 3). 1 core and 1 fragment involved. About 25% tissue involvement.

4. Right base central.
Gleason score 6/10 (primary 3, secondary 3). 2 core fragments involved. About 65% tissue involvement.
Focal prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), high grage.

5. Right mid central.
Gleason score 6/10 (primary 3, secondary 3). 1 core and 1 core fragment involved. About 30% tissue involvement.

6. Left base peripheral.
Gleason score 6/10 (primary 3, secondary 3). 1/1 core involved. About 15% tissue involvement.
Focal prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), high grage.

7. Left mid peripheral.
Gleason score 6/10 (primary 3, secondary 3). 1/1 core involved. About 35% tissue involvement.

8. Left apex peripheral.
Microfocus. About 5% tissue involvement.

9. Left base central.
Gleason score 6/10 (primary 3, secondary 3). 1/1 core involved. About 15% tissue involvement.

10. Left mid central.
Microfocus. < 1% tissue involvement.

По поводу stage (стадии ?) рака ничего здесь не отмечено. Наверно, будут выяснять позже.
22 декабря 2008 16:59
Просмотров: 487

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